Tag Archives: supplement

Finished My (His) 24 Day Challenge!

Hi All, I am going to be starting the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge program and blogging about my experience as I go. Please feel free to leave comments or ask questions as I go. My wife and I started AdvoCare as way to earn some extra income, work from home, and improve our overall health. I am looking forward to this challenge and will be sure to post before and after pictures when I am finished!

Day 1

I started my 24 day challenge today and am super excited! I woke up this morning slightly apprehensive about what today would bring, but so far, so good. I got my first experience with the fiber drink this morning. It tastes great, but since I am texture guy, I did have to overcome that aspect. It is not bad if you add a little extra water. All day today I have felt full and had plenty of energy. Getting ready to eat my afternoon snack. Usually, I would eat this earlier around 2 pm or so, but I got a bit side-tracked with some appointments. I have found drinking a gallon of water interesting as I have worn a path in the tile to the bathroom. From what I have read, this aspect will lessen as my body gets used to my water intake level. I will keep you apprised to my progress in this area. So far, first day is great!

Day 2

Well Day two has been a success. I find it pretty easy to stick to the suggested eating plan … especially when I pack my lunch box/cooler for the day. I am less tempted to cheat and my meals are right there for me! Energy levels have been great. Very consistent. I have not had any feelings of being bloated or had any gas. I am sure there is some mental element to it, but I actually feel clean. I am hungry every 2-3 hours so it works well with the eating plan. Still working on getting a gallon of water down. I am almost there. I have managed to locate all of the bathrooms at the places I frequent 😉

TIP: Mix a mandarin orange spark with your fiber drink in the morning. Tastes great and goes down easy!

Day 3

Alright Day three went very well.  Today was the last time for the fiber drink until days 8-10.  Although, like I mentioned on Day two, the fiber drink really isn’t that bad, especially with mandarin orange Spark. I am still feeling the lightness in my abdominal area and feel clean.  My skin seems to be more clear which is probably from the Omega 3s in the OmegaPlex.  What is great for me is that I haven’t had any cravings for any sweets.  My cravings are being wiped away and it’s great!

Day 4

I will have to admit, it was kind of nice to be able to get up and just drink a delicious Spark and no fiber drink.  Just a few pills that go down easy.  I feel incredible though!  This cleanse is so easy on the body (uneventful).  I still do my intense work outs in the morning and have no problems.  I feel energized and just clean.  I crave my Spark everyday. It is by far the best tasting, fast acting, mental-focused energy drink. And it’s great to drink it and not feel bloated like when I used to drink the Red Bulls or Rockstars. I am looking forward now to what the next few days brings to me.

Days 5-7

Wow! What a busy few days! I didn’t have time to actually sit down and do my blogging but I did take notes throughout each day to remind me of how I was feeling. Honestly, I have pretty much just felt the same.  Nothing drastic has changed.  I don’t weigh myself daily and haven’t since Day 1 so I don’t know if I have lost any weight or inches. I will do that all on Day 10. I still have consistent energy and don’t feel sluggish at all, so I like that.  I have been more hungry than normal, especially at night.  My metabolism must be working hard! That is a good thing though.

Day 8

Back to the fiber drink this morning.  I actually didn’t mind it and kind of looked forward to it.  I know that it’s the scrub brush that will clean out all the bad bacteria and sludge in my intestines so I like that.  It’s not hard on my body and I can still work out and go about my daily busy life and not be interrupted by you know what.  Very gentle cleanse so far.  I still love my Spark! Have 1-2 everyday.

Day 9-10

Well this is the last two days of the Herbal Cleanse.  I am feeling about the same, nothing new really to add.  I still feel great and so clean! I am very excited for the next phase of the 24 Day Challenge!

Day 11

Definitely be ready to take some pills! It honestly wasn’t hard though. I am used to taking vitamins and supplements everyday so that part wasn’t bad.  What I did do wrong was I took 2 Thermoplus and since my body is not used to it I felt extremely light headed and dizzy.  So when you first start taking the Thermoplus, start out with just one and work your way up to two and then three if you want.  I took 1 Thermoplus later that day and felt just fine! They definitely work! I feel my body temperature heating up just a little.  Everything else today was pretty normal.  Ate what I was supposed, just clean foods, and took my supplements that are provided.  Been fun!

Day 12-15

So far I have lost 8 pounds! That is pretty good considering I work out daily and lift heavy weights to build muscle mass.  I know that I have also lost some inches in my waste.  I feel good! Eating is still very easy, no hurdles there.  No hurdles anywhere actually.  I am still enjoying my experience with the 24 Day Challenge.  I can tell my body is in a much better place.  I think it like what I am doing! 😉

Day 16 & 17

Still on the road to losing weight and inches.  And most importantly feeling great! Supplements and the eating plan have become a daily routine and is all very easy to continue to follow.  I haven’t had the urge to cheat with bad foods of any kind which is a big deal for me.  I don’t crave junk food at all.  I look forward to the way I feel right now so I don’t want to screw that up.  Getting closer to day 24! 🙂

Day 18

Today is another great day of feeling good! I have to say, AdvoCares Meal Replacement Shakes are delicious and filling! I actually look forward to one of these for my meals everyday! I am usually the type of person that has to have “real” food to feel full, but because of the 1:1 ratio of protein to complex carbs and the added fiber makes for a fulfilling meal! Just thought I would share that for people who have similar ways of thinking. Still losing the pounds and feeling amazing! I still can’t imagine my day without Spark!

Day 19

I am down 12 pounds as of today.  That’s pretty good considering I do intense weight lifting workouts 4-5 days a week.  I am feeling great and the eating plan is going smoothly.  I really like the ThermoPlus and have to say if you are looking for weight-loss you have got to try ThermoPlus.  Thermoplus tells your body that it is working extra hard when it actually isn’t. It helps to burn extra calories a day just from taking it! Thank you again for following!

Day 20-24

So these last few days of the 24 Challenge have been extremely successful! I feel so much better all around. There wasn’t really anything drastic that happened, which in my opinion is alright.  The lifestyle change of eating healthy all day long is such a positive aspect.  My energy levels are still consistent, my cravings for junk is no longer there, an my physique has tightened up and changed for the better.  I haven’t felt this good in quite some time and it wasn’t even challenging.  It was easier than I thought.

Day 25

So today is my “eat whatever I want to day”, but before I jump into that I want to share with you my 24 Day Challenge results.  I am happy to say I lost a total of 15 pounds (of fat), and 2 1/2″ in my waist.  That is great considering I am continued my intense weight lifting and exercising. I will continue the MNS (Metabolic Nutrition System)ThermoPlusCatalyst, OmegaPlexSparkRehydrate, and Muscle Gain (Protein Powder) for now.  All of the supplements taste great and make a positive difference in the way I feel daily!  I highly recommend the 24 Day Challenge to ALL of you out there! I am so confident that if you stick to the plan, stay committed from start to finish, and don’t cheat, you will see profound results.  The lifestyle change is the best part along with the added nutrients from the supplements you will receive on a daily basis.  I am thrilled and excited for my journey to continue and my physique to achieve even better results.  Thank you again AdvoCare!

Follow Me on my 24 Day Challenge with AdvoCare!

Hello everyone! I am going to be blogging during my first 24 Day Challenge.  I can’t describe how excited I am to get this thing started! I have heard so many testimonies of people close to me that have had tremendous results from the 24 Day Challenge.  Please follow along as I hopefully go through some positive changes. I will post some before and after pictures when I am through with my challenge.  My overall goal is to get back on track with my fitness goals, get on a structured eating regiment, and feel energized!  Thank you to AdvoCare for finding my husband and I! It has been a blessing!

Day 1

So I started my Herbal Cleanse and had to drink a fiber drink this morning that was the consistency of watered down applesauce.  The texture was NOT bad at all! It was actually easy to get down.  Used my husbands idea and mixed in a Mandarin Orange Spark.  Don’t know if I would use any other flavor…up to you though!  So far the first day was pretty easy.  Ready for day 2! 🙂

Day 2

Today feels good.  Not much different than the first day.  I am feeling pretty full throughout the day so I like that.  Eating what I am supposed to about every 2 1/2-3 hours.  It was almost hard to eat my 4th meal because I was still full but come dinner (my last meal) I was ready to eat. 🙂

Day 3

I think my metabolism is speeding up! Yay! I am more hungry during the day than I was the first two days, but not at the starving level. My energy levels are still great! I love how I can go all day long and not feel bogged down like I did before the 24 Day Challenge.  I have a physical job so I was drinking Rockstars and Amps for my quick energy fix that three hours later gave me an extreme crash. I hated it, but needed the energy.  Thank you again Spark! I seriously love this stuff! Tons of mentally focused energy and no crash!

Day 4

First day off the fiber drink, now just taking a restore packet that has probiotics in it in the morning. I had another good day.  One change that I have noticed my body doesn’t do any more is feel sluggish and bogged down.  I used to have this rumbling feeling in my stomach allot and just felt a real heaviness in my stomach.  It feels so clean and light now! This has truly been a wonderful start to my 24 Day Challenge journey!

Day 5

Friday!  It was sooo easy to eat what I was supposed to today and say no to sweets that were right in front of my face.  I don’t even really desire sweets anymore.  It’s almost like my cravings for sweets have just literally been shot down.  The way that I feel now is so much better than before.  I don’t want to go in reverse I want to continue to push forward and be successful! AdvoCare products taste so good! And they definitely do what they say they are supposed too.

Day 6

Was curious to know how today would end because I was home ALL day.  When I am home ALL day I find myself wondering into the kitchen wanting to snack on anything…just food.  Well I totally PASSED! Never once did I wonder into the kitchen looking for a quick fix of my boredom.  I ate when I was supposed too, felt full, and wasn’t hungry again until my next meal.  That was a good day! 🙂

**You can continue to follow me and my 24 Day Challenge on the ‘24 Day Challenge-Hers’ page on my blog.  I hope that you will be encouraged to try your own 24 Day Challenge with AdvoCare! You won’t be disappointed….I’m not so far!

Rehydrate Yourself with AdvoCares Rehydrate

Hey there! My husband has been refueling his intense workouts and recovering from his intense workouts with Rehydrate Drink and Rehydrate Gel.  He wasn’t too sure about it at first but after he had one each workout he felt great! It’s another one of his daily AdvoCare products he likes allot.

It’s pretty amazing how many of AdvoCares products tastes great and makes you feel great! You know, just because we are AdvoCare distributors doesn’t mean we will like all products but so far, we LOVE them all! You truly just have to try them out for yourself.  And a quick side note that I think is amazing is that fact that there is a money back guarantee.  If you are extremely dissatisfied/unhappy with any product you can send your product back and you will get your money back.  Honestly, I have never heard of this happening with anyone but I did double check on the return policy.  AdvoCare wants you and me to be happy! And they do just that for me! I love their products and I love they way they make me feel! And it’s great that I can just go online and order what I want and it comes to my doorstep via FedEx.  Don’t have to use my gas to drive to the supplement store. AdvoCare makes it easy for me!

Now off that rabbit trail and back to my original post, Rehydrate Drink and Rehydrate Gel.


Rehydrate Gel is an electrolyte replacement energy gel designed to help you enjoy activity at your highest level. With a light lemon flavor and just 80 calories, this portable pouch is easy to use and carry during the most strenuous exercise. Whether you want to boost, replenish or recover, Rehydrate Gel provides the electrolytes and carbohydrates you need to help you get the most out of any run, workout, swim or ride.

Electrolyte balance is crucial when enduring intense physical activity. Rehydrate Gel releases Sequential Carbs, which are carbohydrates your body uses in three stages, allowing you to benefit from immediate and sustained energy.

  1. Boost your energy before a strenuous or enduring activity to get a great head start. It’s always best to minimize the chances of your body being depleted of valuable nutrients by staying ahead.
  2. Replenish your body during exercise to achieve your best effort. Take Rehydrate Gel during activity to replace the electrolytes and carbs that have been burned.
  3. Recover efficiently. Recovery is vital for endurance athletes and important for anyone who lives an active lifestyle.


  • Endurance athletes (runners, cyclists, swimmers, triathletes, etc.)
  • Team sport athletes (baseball, soccer, tennis, basketball, etc.)
  • Anyone desiring a great source of electrolytes and carbohydrates


Boost – 1 pouch 15 minutes before activity
Replenish – 1-2 pouches for every hour of activity
Recover – 1 pouch immediately after activity

Rehydrate Electrolyte Replacement Drink provides the necessary nutrients to maintain proper metabolism and delay the onset of fatigue. It hydrates your body by re-establishing your electrolyte balance with its superior formulation. Rehydrate Drink has a low glycemic index that produces a more gradual insulin response and is isotonic, thus providing rapid gastric emptying and rapid rehydration. Furthermore, this drink helps support the body’s energy cycle and provides carbohydrate fuel necessary for energy production.

Unlike other sports drinks, Rehydrate Electrolyte Replacement Drink includes antioxidants, carbohydrates, electrolytes, a powerful patented ingredient known as Sustamine™ and other nutrients that effectively promote optimal hydration and recovery. Rehydrate Drink has a 1:1 ratio of sodium and potassium, two of the most vital electrolytes that are lost when we sweat. Rehydrate Drink helps prevent cramping by providing calcium, magnesium and L-glutamine to support the contraction and relaxation phases of the muscles.

Sustamine™ (L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine)
Sustamine is a dipeptide of the amino acids, L-alanine and L-glutamine. This dipeptide enhances electrolyte and water absorption as well as promoting higher serum bioavailability and absorption of L-glutamine, compared to L-glutamine alone. It plays an important role in enhancing the immune system, muscle protein synthesis and energy production through gluconeogenesis.

This amazing sports drink also helps sustain carbohydrate energy by including chromium in its unique formulation, strengthening endurance at any activity level. Furthermore, the antioxidants in Rehydrate Drink help fight the effects of free radicals, and the amino acids support blood flow throughout the cardiovascular system. Rehydrate Electrolyte Replacement Drink provides a complete spectrum of ingredients for hydration that far exceeds other leading sports drinks, making it a superior choice for the serious or casual athlete.

The updated formula now has just 40 calories, fewer carbohydrates and improved solubility, making it easier to mix on the go.


  • Someone who wants to sustain hydration and energy during physical activity
  • Someone who wants a superior sports drink
  • Someone who wants to enhance your exercise regimen
  • Someone who wants a healthy drink for everyday use


  • For ages 4 and older.
  • To prepare, shake or stir contents of one pouch or scoop into 8 fluid ounces of water.
  • Drink liberally before, during and after physical activity.

So why don’t you give Rehydrate Drink or Rehydrate Gel a try?  Simply go to my AdvoCare website and place your order.  New customers will need to create a login and password and returning customers….well, you know what to do 🙂 Thank you for stopping by! Let me know if I can help you out with anything regarding AdvoCare.


AdvoCare to Sponsor NASCAR 500 Sprint Cup Series at the Phoenix International Raceway


25 September 2012
AdvoCare International to Sponsor Phoenix International Raceway’s Nov. 11 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Race

PLANO, TX – AdvoCare International, LP (AdvoCare), a leading health and wellness company, today announced they will be the title sponsor for the Phoenix International Raceway’s Nov. 11 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Race.

No stranger to NASCAR, AdvoCare is also the primary sponsor of rising star Austin Dillon and the No. 3 AdvoCare Chevrolet in the NASCAR Nationwide Series for legendary owner Richard Childress Racing. AdvoCare is also the title sponsor for the Labor Day Weekend NASCAR Sprint® Cup Series at the Atlanta Motor Speedway.

“We are excited to bring the AdvoCare 500 to Phoenix to share the AdvoCare products and business opportunity with race fans in the West,” said Richard Wright, AdvoCare President and CEO. “Our focus on health and wellness, personal growth, financial freedom and strong values echoes the ideals of the NASCAR community and race fans in the Phoenix area.”

The AdvoCare 500, the semi-final race in the chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup, will be the feature event during the Nov. 11 race weekend. With the Sprint Cup Series Championship on the line, the green flag will drop on the AdvoCare 500 at 1 p.m. MST.

“We are thrilled to be working with AdvoCare for NASCAR’s semi-final race in the chase for the Sprint Cup here in Phoenix,” said Phoenix International Raceway President
Bryan R. Sperber. “AdvoCare’s products and emphasis on performance lineup perfectly with our mission to deliver a superior racing and event weekend experience for our fans each November.”

Tickets for the November 11 AdvoCare 500 Semi-Final NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race are available at http://www.phoenixraceway.com or by calling 1-866-408-RACE (7223)

For more information about AdvoCare, its products or how to become an Independent Distributor, please visit www.advocare.com.

About AdvoCare

Since 1993, AdvoCare has offered nutrition, weight loss, energy and sports performance products of the highest quality developed through comprehensive research and backed by a Scientific & Medical Advisory Board. AdvoCare offers more than 70 exclusive products and a business opportunity that empowers individuals to explore their ultimate potential. AdvoCare is headquartered in Plano, Texas. For more information on AdvoCare, visitwww.advocare.com or call 800-542-4800.

About Phoenix International Raceway

Since 1964, Phoenix International Raceway has served race fans as the premier motorsports venue in the Southwest. Watch the Semi-Final Race in the Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup at PIR on Sunday, Nov. 11. Tickets for the entire Nov. 8-11 NASCAR event weekend at Phoenix International Raceway can be purchased online atPhoenixRaceway.com/Tickets or by calling 1-866-408-RACE (7223). For more information, visit PhoenixRaceway.comFacebook.com/PhoenixRaceway andTwitter.com/PhoenixRaceway.

Need More ENERGY On the Go?…Try SLAM!

AdvoCare Slam® 
Liquid Vitamin and Amino Acid Supplement

  •  High-powered, portable energy source*AdvoCare Slam®
  •  Fast acting*
  •  Sustained energy without jitters*
  •  Sharpens mental focus*
  •  Sugar-free


  •  Someone who is always on the go and needs a fast-acting energy boost
  •  Someone who is looking to facilitate workout performance, enhance sports performance and increase endurance
  •  Employees working with tight deadlines
  •  College students pulling all-nighters
  •  Recreational and professional road warriors
  •  Travelers coping with jet lag

People are more tired today than they’ve ever been. With lifestyle patterns becoming increasingly on the go and over 22 million Americans working beyond the traditional nine-to-five setting, sleep patterns are being altered.
Studies show that as much as 60 percent of Americans are tired during the afternoon, and that 84 percent of these people go through a daily afternoon slump.  Many people already know that we need sustained and focused energy to perform at our peak levels. Sustained energy helps maximize physical activity. Additionally, proper physical activity can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, help control obesity, support bones, muscles and joints, relieve arthritis pain, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. As little as 30 minutes of moderate exercise, five times a week is often recommended, but more than 50 percent of Americans do not achieve this. One possible reason is that it is often difficult to maintain these energy levels with a fast-paced lifestyle. The best sources of energy are not always prepackaged in a can. In fact, products with high sugar and caffeine content may give an immediate boost, but can lead to an energy crash after a short amount of time. An ideal product for a fast-paced environment should provide immediate energy, last for hours, avoid crashes and be convenient for a busy lifestyle.


AdvoCare Slam®

Slam is a powerful, portable energy drink in a tiny, two-ounce bottle. Its unique combination of energy-producing nutrients and support for neural processes makes it a perfect fit for the person on the go.

* And with no sharp dropoff or energy crash, it’s great for hours of sustained energy.*

Portions are easy to control with Slam, so you can drink the whole bottle or half if you prefer. It’s also quick and easy to consume in three amazing flavors. Whether you are a college student, a professional driver, an employee with a deadline or just a person on a road trip who needs to stay awake and focused, Slam is the perfect choice when quick, convenient results are a must.* And unlike many other energy shots you may find at retail stores, Slam actually tastes great!

Key Ingredients:

  • B-vitamins (B-6, B-12, niacin, pantothenic acid and folic acid) – B-vitamins are water-soluble vitamins that help us produce and sustain our own energy. As we age, we gradually begin to lose the ability to absorb vitamin B-12. Research has shown that high levels of vitamin B-12 encourage the body to increase its absorption. Vitamin B-12 also helps maintain mental performance and aid in energy production.
  • Taurine – Taurine is an amino acid that provides quick energy without over stimulating the body.
  • Betaine – Betaine plays a role in metabolic processes through donation of a methyl group (one carbon metabolism).
  •  L-Carnitine – L-Carnitine is essential for the transport of fatty acids into the cellular organelle, mitochondrion, for conversion into energy by oxidation.
  • Glycine – Glycine is one of the 20 amino acids commonly found in proteins. One role it plays is in neurotransmission.
  • Glucuronolactone – Glucuronolactone is a normal human metabolite formed from glucose. Its precursor, glucuronic acid, is an important constituent in fibrous and connective tissues of all animals.
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) – Slam also supports mental clarity and focus by including a significant amount of GABA, which aids in memory, nerve function, and muscle control.*
  • Caffeine – Slam has about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee.
  •  L-Tyrosine – L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that plays a role in the production of neurotransmitters.

AdvoCare Slam®

So with all that said you are now wanting a Slam I am sure! So all you have to do is go to my secure AdvoCare website and order!  For new customers you will have to create a login, which is as easy as 1, 2, 3.  And then you will receive your Slam on your front porch!  Delivery hassle free! You won’t be disappointed!
